Purpose Beyond Circumstances

Saving Moses recently opened a fifth NightCare center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We are asking friends to write letters of hope, love, and prayers to the babies and toddlers in that center who are in desperate need of protection from the sex industry. This letter is from our friend Kate. 


Dear Sweet One,

Sweet child, your mama has taken the courageous step to deliver you here, a safe place where you will have the opportunity to experience love, joy, and peace. You have endured so much already, but I want you to know, your resilience will transform you and you will find a joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

Love is an act of will, displayed as faithfulness and commitment to the subject of our sentiment. Sweet One, please receive our love and experience our commitment to you wholly. May your tender heart reflect our abundant love for you.

Joy comes along when you realize you are part of a larger and important story. Joy ignites happiness, confidence, and an eternal sense of well-being. Sweet One, I want you to know that you are part of a very important story! A story that is beyond anything you can see or imagine. Be assured Sweet One, you have a purpose beyond your current circumstances and one day this will all make sense.

Peace is gained when you are whole and in unity with others. Those who bear a peaceful nature look for conflict and chaos so they can bring peace to a situation. Sweet One, you shall become a warrior for peace, confident in your ability to do whatever it takes to make things better. Your wisdom is assured because you know that even in the most awful circumstances there is always something for which you can be thankful for.

Sweet One, none of us come by these traits naturally, full of love, joy, and peace. You have been chosen and will embody these traits as you open your heart to the love and safety in NightCare.

Your disposition will be kind and gentle, full of trust when you are safe. One day you will have the capacity to avenge what has been done to you, but your goodness, the actions inspired by kindness, will reflect an inexplicable sense of love, peace, and joy.

Sweet One, we will protect you from the storms brewing outside these walls! We will help you pursue good things! We will prepare the soil of your heart so that all good things can grow.

Sweet One, may you have the confidence and assurance in knowing that you are SO LOVED and someone safe will ALWAYS be here for you.

With love,


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