Through BirthAid, we provide community-based education and skilled birth attendants in high conflict areas and rural sub- Saharan Africa where the neonatal mortality rate is high due to lack of birth education and low access to healthcare.

Newborns are dying in warzones and in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
The first 28 days of life are the most vulnerable. In 2019 47% of all under-five deaths were newborns. UNICEF predicts that 26 million newborns will die by 2030 if there are no interventions. The majority of these newborns are born in war zones and in rural sub-Saharan Africa. 80% will die from preventable causes.
Why are they dying?
War wreaks havoc on a country and has a direct impact on the most vulnerable- newborns. Hospitals, clinics, and even healthcare workers are often targeted during war, disrupting the healthcare system. This means that pregnant women have no access to healthcare or a doctor. Because of this, many women give birth at home- a dangerous situation.
War causes stress and trauma. In pregnant women, the presence of high levels of stress has a direct correlation with prematurity, low birth weight, and stillbirths.
In rural sub-Saharan Africa, many countries lack the infrastructure and education to address birth complications. If there is a problem, women and newborns are referred to city hospitals that can better address their needs. The problem is, these hospitals are often hours away on rough roads. Sadly, several babies and mothers often die in transit.

What does Saving Moses do?
We provide community-based birth education adapted from the Home Life Saving Skills curriculum. This curriculum teaches communities on safe birth practices and birth warning signs. It also instructs communities on simple interventions that they can do to keep both mother and newborn safe. These simple interventions often mean the difference between life and death. BirthAid currently operates in two regions in Afghanistan. Saving Moses is working with its partners on expanding the program into two new countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.