Infant Mortality in Afghanistan

Infant Mortality in Afghanistan: A Story Changed By: Jamie Malewska, Marketing Coordinator Imagine for a moment that you are pregnant. Your local hospital recently shut down but even if it were open, you could not afford to go there. Many women and babies in your village have died in childbirth. You do not know if […]
Surviving the Underpass
A guest post by Stephanie Drawdy, a Team Trip Volunteer from the summer of 2019. There is a Southeast Asian community that once lived in a slum known as Plankville. Its citizens lived high above running sewage and maneuvered in and out of their homes on rickety boards that often gave way. Some, including little […]
Saving Moses – Who Are We Again?
After visiting our website or scrolling through our social media, you probably have a solid idea of who Saving Moses is, but many people send in questions as to what exactly we do. Those questions may include: Why do we only care for babies ages zero to five? What happens to the babies after they […]