Daulatdia, Bangladesh: the home of severely underage trafficked girls pumped full of drugs originally purposed to fatten cattle in hopes that it will make them look more developed. It is one of the largest brothels in the world—so large in fact that it has developed its own economy. Hairstylists, butchers, and even the brothel’s own official ear cleaner.
And where there is sex-work, there are obviously babies. And as you would expect in an entire brothel-city, the little ones are involved in the sex-work industry as early as possible.
When chatting with the sex workers, we found out that they keep their babies under the bed while they service 10+ clients a night during busy seasons. Almost every hand raised when asked if their babies are being sexually abused and tortured by their clients.
Since opening our NightCare program in Cambodia 5 years ago, we have seen tremendous impact in the lives of the babies and toddlers. They are not being sexually abused during the night or exposed to the horrendous atrocities of the sex industry. We are intent on exploring opening NightCare in other countries where little ones are susceptible to the sex industry.
We are hopeful about protecting the babies and toddlers of Bangladesh.